At Turgeon & Associés, we can help you understand your life insurance, living benefits and group insurance needs by analyzing your situation with you.
Contact us to learn more about the different coverage options available to meet your needs.
We can help you answer the following questions:
• Why do I need insurance?
• Which family members or other loved ones should I insure?
• How much coverage do I need?
• What type of insurance (term, whole life, universal) do I need?
• How can I get insurance?
Life insurance
Here are the main advantages that life insurance can give you:
• Ensure the continuity of your income for your loved ones in the event of death;
• Establish a tax-sheltered fund;
• Protect future insurability;
• Create equitable legacies;
• Protect your associates and your business;
• Optimize the value of your estate;
• Cover the final costs related to your estate such as legal fees, executor fees, probate fees and capital gains tax;
• Protect against creditors.

Critical illness insurance
Critical illness insurance provides a lump sum 30 days following the diagnosis of a serious illness (cancer, heart attack, stroke, bypass surgery). Some insurers cover up to 25 serious illnesses and more.
Note that it is expected that 2 in 5 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime, and according to estimates, 63% of Canadians with cancer are expected to live 5 years or more after receiving their diagnosis*. In this context, critical illness insurance offers you the financial freedom you need to focus on what is most important to you during this critical period.
*Statistics from the Canadian Cancer Society

Disability Insurance
Disability insurance allows you to meet your financial obligations in the event of disability following an illness or accident.

Life and medical insurance without medical examination
This type of insurance is intended for people who, for medical or other reasons, are difficult to insure. It does not involve any medical or other examination, nor blood tests.
If your insurability is a concern, contact us to discuss your options.

Health care
Drug and dental insurance offers protection for those who do not have group insurance or those who want more comprehensive protection. This protection provides you with coverage very similar to what you find in large companies, but you only choose the options you want.
Health care insurance will reimburse you for prescription drug, dental, chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage therapy and other practitioner costs, as well as hospitalization costs.

Group insurance and
group annuities
At Turgeon & Associés, we offer employers tailor-made group insurance and group annuity plans adapted to their needs and the needs of their employees, from 2 or more employees.

Creditor (debt) insurance
There are several revolutionary debt insurance products that are an affordable alternative to bank insurance products.
Different types of loans can be covered, such as mortgage, auto, credit card or business loans.
It is also possible to cover the payment of alimony in the event of disability or death.
These debt insurance products provide protection for your financial commitments in the event of disability, serious illness or death.